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After visiting Madrid,we will stay one day at the famous city of Toledo which has a beautiful history and art.

-We arrive to Toledo,througth San Martir Bridge (which was built in the Middle Age).After that we will go to the Monastery of Saint John of the King,which is an Isabelline style monastery built by the Catholic Monarch for commemorate the birth of their son and their victory of the Battle of Toro.


Then,we will walk in the city until will arrive to the street San Idelfonso,where Bécquer's laurel is planted.

We will go to the School of Art and Profession,a building of the age of Bécquer.

For finish the day,we will visit the church of Saint Pedro Martir wich inspired the legend of 'El beso'(the kiss).

After all of that we will continue our route.

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Live life as art with the artist.

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